Mar 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Resources and Services

The resources and services of the University supplement and enhance the learning process.

Trexler Library

Located at the center of the DSU Campus, Trexler Library is a spacious information center designed to provide study and learning space for 300 students, and shelving space for 160,000 volumes. The general collection of 140,000 volumes and 910 print periodicals is augmented by access to more than 1,000 full text electronic journals, extensive reference and bibliographic information, and by periodical indexes in both paper and computer formats. Automated in 1993, the library’s on-line public catalog is accessible on the campus network and through the Internet. Most databases are available to students over the Internet, creating a “virtual library.”

The libraries of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (Cedar Crest, DeSales, Lafayette, Lehigh, Moravian, and Muhlenberg), a collection of more than one million volumes, are available to students of the University. The library databases of these colleges are accessible on-line through Trexler Library.

The library is a member of the Pennsylvania Library Network (PALINET) and On-Line Computer Library Center (OCLC). Interlibrary loans are processed daily through these networks.

Healthcare Simulation Center (HCSC)

The Healthcare Simulation Center (HCSC) is a 20,000 square foot state-of-the-art clinical simulation center, home to some of the most advanced simulation technology in the healthcare field. We provide medical simulation services to our students at DeSales as well as our partners in clinics, hospitals, and the healthcare industry. The HCSC mission is to provide clinical simulation services in an environment that provides the opportunity for learners to develop competence in their specialized fields of study, demonstrate leadership, make significant contributions, and develop the skills necessary for advanced clinical applications.

Experiential learning through the use of simulation is becoming more prevalent in the education of health professionals. Such strategies allow learners to practice critical technical skills and care coordination to enhance patient safety and performance in a safe environment. As DeSales seeks to improve the quality of care delivered by graduates and health professionals, experiential learning will play a critical role.

Human Patient Simulators (HPS)
HPS, also known as high fidelity manikins, are life-like models of the human body with software/computer equipment components to mimic human bodily functions. The HCSC maintains several HPSs, including a pregnant mother and new-born infant.

Clinical Skills Lab
Our clinical skills suite provides both a 12 bed in-patient and a 12 bed out-patient practice environment. Task trainers help students gain expertise in technical procedures and clinical skills like central line placement, peripheral IV insertion, or pelvic examination.

Standardized Patient Program
This on-campus suite replicates a functioning healthcare office, complete with a waiting room and 8 fully equipped examination rooms. Standardized patients are real people who are trained to portray different patient scenarios, where they are treated as real patients by DeSales students. They actively participate in the instruction, practice, and assessment of the medical examination skills of our students, nurses, physician assistants, and other health care providers.

Education Management
Our Education Management Solutions SIMULATIONiQ™ system (EMS) provides a comprehensive solution for the Center. Digital AV software and hardware allow faculty to capture both the simulations and standardized patient environments for further review. The results provide a digital video record of individual and team performance, which assist in evaluating a student’s performance when faced with realistic clinical challenges.

Information Technology

The University provides extensive computing and information technology resources and services as well as universal access for all students, faculty, and administrators in all of its campuses. The use of technology as an interdisciplinary problem-solving tool, as a change agent, and as a vehicle for education has been encouraged and integrated for the whole of the learning environment. Facilities are continuously updated to meet the most current and the latest educational trends and standards.

A number of computing laboratories and smart classrooms provide the University with both the ‘virtual’ and the ‘real’ learning environments. All computing laboratories have broadcasting systems for instructor control and interaction with client stations.

Academic computing is provided through a distributed client server environment, which is connected to high speed Internet access using a network backbone. Wireless Ethernet allows access to local as well as Internet resources.

The University provides a variety of services to its members. In addition to a wide variety of software resources, e-mail address is available for each registered student. Student and user consultants as well as faculty are available for assistance. The Trexler Library supports on-line catalog, as well as educational, scientific, and accounting databases.

Distance Education & Instructional Technology (DEIT)

The DEIT department provides a variety of student resources and services for online and hybrid courses, video conferencing, and other delivery technologies.

Distance Education

Student resources for distance education include:

  • Blackboard Learn is DeSales’ online learning management system (LMS)-the means by which most online interactions and course material are delivered. The Blackboard Learn web site can be accessed directly or through MyDSU almost any time of the day or night and includes a moderated, self-paced student orientation where students can practice using all of the Blackboard tools. It is strongly recommended that students complete the orientation before starting a distance education class. Blackboard Learn can also be accessed from mobile devices through the free Blackboard Learn app available for Android, Blackberry, iOS, and Palm devices. The resources page in Blackboard contains links to technical guides, library helps, and academic support resources.
  • Blackboard Collaborate is a live web conferencing tool that allows students to interact with instructors and classmates in real time using audio, video, chat, and an interactive whiteboard. Collaborate sessions are created by instructors within Blackboard Learn and require the Java browser plugin. Students may request Collaborate sessions for small group and study collaboration.
  • DeSales University offers access to assistive technologies including captioning, secure online testing environments, online tutoring services, StudentLingo academic success series, student professional development workshops every month, and quarterly synchronous online student welcome orientations with Trexler library and DEIT staff.

Instructional Technology

DeSales is deeply committed to ensuring access to the latest classroom technology for the University community. We provide the highest quality academic experience for students and the most advanced teaching tools for our professors. Through investigative research and equipment upgrades, we strive to keep all of our classrooms up-to-date with the latest audiovisual and computing systems. In addition to smart classrooms, DeSales currently has four video conference classrooms, two at the Center Valley campus, one at the Easton campus, and one at Lansdale campus, as well as a mobile video conference system.

Student Services

With the intention of making the time spent on campus pleasant and productive, the University provides a variety of services for the graduate students

  • Cafeteria
  • Bookstore

Descriptions of these services are available through the graduate directors.


The acclaimed and respected Labuda Center for the Performing Arts managed by the performing and fine arts department presents several productions throughout the season. Student discount tickets are available on occasion. Interested students should consult the theatre’s box office.

Athletic Facilities

Students interested in using the University’s athletic facilities should consult the athletic department for availability and hours.


Ample parking is available in the proximity of the classrooms. Parking permits can be obtained through graduate program offices or university police. It is mandatory that all students get a parking permit at the beginning of every new school year.

Financial Information

Tuition Payments

Tuition payments are accepted at the Bursar’s Office, located on the second floor of Dooling Hall, during regular business hours. Payment of tuition expenses can be made by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. You may also make payment on-line using the “Make a Payment” link in WebAdvisor. Payment of tuition and fees must be made before the start of the semester in which you are registered unless you are receiving financial aid or employer reimbursement. If payment is not made before the first day of classes for a given session, a Financial Hold will be placed on your student record, which will prohibit you from receiving a transcript or registering for future classes and/or sessions.

Tuition Deferment

Tuition deferment is available for students in graduate programs who have provided the Bursar’s Office with a copy of their employer’s tuition assistance policy. Upon completion of a semester, the student will have eight weeks to make payment for the deferred tuition expenses. Please note that even though a student is using employer reimbursement, she/he is still responsible for payment of the deferred amount by the end of the eight week grace period.

Tuition deferment is also available for students who have applied for financial aid. To be eligible for deferment of expenses, the student needs to have filed all the necessary paperwork with the Office of Financial Aid. If you have been selected for verification, you will again need to make sure that you have complied with all the paperwork requirements. Please note that if your financial aid information is incomplete, you are responsible for payment of the outstanding balance.

Tuition deferment is a privilege given to graduate students at DeSales University and can be revoked if this privilege is abused. Please note that you, as the student, are responsible for payment of your tuition balance in the event that your financial aid/loans or employer reimbursement is not received by the Bursar’s Office within the stated time period.

Tuition deferment will not be offered to an individual who has been previously sent to a collection agency for nonpayment of their tuition expenses. Such students are required to pre-pay for their classes for one year. Upon the completion of the year, the situation and student account will be reviewed for potential reinstatement of deferment eligibility.

Payment Plans

Payment plans are available to graduate students. If you are interested in a payment plan, please contact the Bursar’s Office at 610.282.1100, ext.1376 for additional information.

Bursar’s Office Information

The Bursar’s Office bills for each session in which you are registered for courses. You will receive a statement for the session even if you are receiving tuition deferment for financial aid or employer reimbursement. Any question regarding your tuition bills, tuition deferment and/or payment plans should be directed to the Bursar’s Office at 610.282.1100, ext.1376. The Bursar’s Office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Outstanding Financial Obligations

Students who separate from the University, voluntarily or involuntarily, with an outstanding balance due are subject to being turned over to a third-party collection agency. If this action is taken, the University has the right to collect the associated collection fees charged to the University by the agency. Collection fees for a third-party collection agency can range from 25 - 50%. Transcripts and/or diplomas will not be issued until the total financial obligation and associated collection fees have been met.

Please note that non-payment of the graduation fee constitutes an outstanding financial obligation as well. The graduation fee covers various expenses associated with commencement and is a required fee. Non-attendance at commencement does not remove the financial obligation. In addition, the student’s diploma and transcripts will not be released and a financial hold will be placed on the student’s record. The financial hold will be removed once the outstanding financial obligation has been resolved.

Refund on Withdrawal Policy

A refund of tuition payments will be made to a student who withdraws from a course. In all cases, credits will be calculated from the date the student completed the official withdrawal form, and the rebate will be based on the schedule shown in the Refund Amount Sections of the student’s graduate program.

Refunds apply to tuition only. If a student is allowed to enroll by use of the deferred payment procedure, any funds due the University are immediately due and payable upon withdrawal.

Financial Aid

Degree candidates who receive no or less than 100% tuition reimbursement may be eligible for financial aid. All financial aid programs are loans and depend on the candidate’s student status and financial need. Additional information may be obtained through the financial aid office or through the appropriate graduate program office.


Assistantships may be available to qualified students who have been admitted to one of the graduate programs. Such assistantships provide professional growth and personal development to the participating student. Specific duties, activities, and responsibilities are drawn by the appropriate program director. Graduate assistants receive tuition remission, which is based on the nature and amount of work they are required to perform.

Assistantships are limited and applications are considered on a competitive basis. Interested students should consult their program director about the availability of assistantships in their area of interest.