Sep 22, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Course Descriptions


Human Resource Management

  • HR - 504 Compensation and Benefits

    Credits: 3

    HR-504 explores current theory, practice and alternatives in employee compensation and benefits. This course will cover basic pay structures and methods, individual and group incentive plans, basic health and welfare benefits, paid time off benefits, retirement plans profit sharing plans, stock option plans, executive compensation and benefits.

    Prerequisite: CR 505  and MG 501  
  • HR - 505 The Human Capital Executive

    Credits: 3

    HR-505 introduces the student to the skills necessary for the human capital professional to participate effectively at the executive level of the organization. By claiming and mastering their seat at the table, the human capital professional joins the leadership of the company in charting future success.

    Prerequisite: MG 501  
  • HR - 506 Building a High Performance Culture

    Credits: 3

    HR-506 provides students with a clear understanding of issues surrounding employee motivation and engagement. Emphasis is placed on a variety of models for building a performance culture, identifying “technical” and “talent” components of high performance culture and understanding the challenges and strategies for infusing a performance culture into an under-performing enterprise.

    Prerequisite: CR 505  and MG 501  
  • HR - 507 Global Human Resource Management

    Credits: 3

    HR-507 introduces the student to cross-cultural management of the international and multinational firm’s human capital. This course will empower the Human Capital Manager to effect HR policy and practice consistent with a global strategy regardless of industry.

    Prerequisite: MG 501  
  • HR - 510 Special Topics in Human Resource Management

    Credits: 3

    Special topics such as Conflict Resolution and Team Building, Safety and Health, Training, Design and Development, Labor Relations, and International HR, Change Management, and Diversity will be offered under this course number.

    Prerequisite: CR 505  and MG 501  

Information Technology

  • IT - 500 IS Foundations I

    Credits: 3

    Students will gain intermediate exposure to Structured Query Language (SQL) and review basic networking concepts. This course is meant for students who do not hold at least a B average in an undergraduate computer related program. MSIS pre-requisite course.

  • IT - 501 Computer Architecture

    Credits: 3

    An overview of computer systems organization, logic, microarchitecture, macro-architecture, data flow, operating systems, and assembly languages. Hardware and system software concepts will be discussed as they relate to systems analysis, systems design, and the development of application software.

  • IT - 502 Discrete Structures

    Credits: 3

    Concepts of discrete mathematics and algorithmic design, and analysis of algorithms. Basic data structures. Introduction to graph theory.

  • IT - 504 Application Development

    Credits: 3

    The organization, structure, and logic of application programs. Graphics programming, GUI, events and exceptions using a Java platform are emphasized.

  • IT - 506 IS Foundations II

    Credits: 3

    Students will become proficient in C++ programming. This course is mean for students who do not hold at least a B average in an undergraduate computer related program. MSIS pre-requisite course.

  • IT - 507 Object Oriented Programming

    Credits: 3

    An advanced object-oriented programming course using the C# programming language. MSIS Core course.

  • IT - 511 Database Management

    Credits: 3

    Database design, structured query language (SQL) programming, and advanced database management skills such as performance tuning, transaction management, and database administration are emphasized. Managerial skills in database planning and logical and physical design are also addressed. MSIS Core course.

  • IT - 513 Data Mining and Visualization

    Credits: 3

    Surveys the growing field of data science and its applicability to the business world. Students learn to gather, select, and model large amounts of data using R. R is a language for statistical computing and graphics. The course also focuses on visualization for quantitative data.

  • IT - 515 Vulnerability Assessment

    Credits: 3

    Students will learn vulnerability assessment best practices and validate their design through penetration testing.

  • IT - 525 IT Security

    Credits: 3

    Principles of computer systems and network security.Passive and active threats, authentication, encryption, digital signatures, biometrics, firewalls, virus preventions, operating systems principles, and other contemporary issues are discussed. The course covers the basic goals of preserving the integrity of access and data, and preventing unauthorized access to information.

  • IT - 526 Data Communication Networks

    Credits: 3

    Exposure to communication theory, hardware components, analog and digital transmission, common carrier services, communication protocols, enterprise networking, routing, and the OSI model. MSIS Core course.

  • IT - 528 Wireless Technology Management

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to the fundamental technologies of wireless networks and applications. An emphasis is placed on the management of wireless technologies: implementation issues, configuration and roaming standards, limitations, and emerging trends.

  • IT - 531 BIS Transformation

    Credits: 3

    The global market has created a need for top management to transform the business. Concepts such as legacy system replacement, modernization models, operational cost reduction, technology adaptation, sustainability, and the mobile workforce are addressed.

  • IT - 532 Systems Analysis and Design

    Credits: 3

    Addresses fundamental concepts of requirements specification, analysis, and system design. Topics include systems, events, objects, classes, inheritance, associations, and models. Requirements specification covers use cases, usage scenarios, interaction diagrams, and models. Requirements analysis includes event stimuli, business rules, event responses, system context models, domain object models, and objects state transition diagrams. System design includes mapping events and object models. MSIS Core course.

  • IT - 536 Software Engineering

    Credits: 3

    A review of software engineering concepts, configuration control, reverse engineering, and maintenance issues.

  • IT - 541 Introduction to Data Analytics/AI

    Credits: 3

    Surveys artificial intelligence (AI) and related data analytics techniques. Topics include AI concepts, drivers, technology, and business applications, data mining processes, predictive and prescriptive analytics, deep learning algorithms, natural language processing, Big Data, IoT, ethics, and law. Special attention on state-of-the-art visualization software. Use of tableau platform.

  • IT - 545 Cybersecurity Management

    Credits: 3

    Exposure to operational cyber security through risk assessment, business continuity planning, and diaster recovery.

  • IT - 546 Ethical and Social Issues of Information Technology

    Credits: 3

    A study of ethics, values, technology, and business.The economic and social effects of technology.Conflict and crime in the technological society. MSIS Core Course.

  • IT - 547 IT Auditing and Compliance

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to the controls, security, and goverment compliance of Information Systems in a global enterprise.

  • IT - 548 Legal Aspects of IS

    Credits: 3

    An inspection of the legal environment and issues affecting IS.

  • IT - 551 Capstone Project

    Credits: 3

    The practical application of theory with attention to current research and development in their area of interest. This is a MSIS required capstone course and should be taken at the end of the program.

  • IT - 553 Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling

    Credits: 3

    Students will learn how to apply statistical methods to large data sets. Predictive modeling techniques will be emphasized in order to discover patterns for decision-making.

  • IT - 561 Special Topics in Information Systems

    Credits: 3

    Course participants’ research and discuss current topics and trends in information technology.

  • IT - 562 Data Analytics

    Credits: 3

    Analyzes and visualizes data to make decisions using computing leading-edge technologies and statistical methodologies as they apply to multi-source unstructured or structured data using Python. No previous programming experience is required.

  • IT - 565 Electronic Commerce

    Credits: 3

    The buying and selling of information, products, and services electronically. The conduct of internal corporate business using network resources.

  • IT - 566 Web Engineering

    Credits: 3

    Examines client-side and server-side web development. Emphasis is placed on modeling, architecture, interaction design, security, and web project management.

  • IT - 570 Web Design

    Credits: 3

    The course is an introduction to web design and design technologies. Topics include planning, content, and structure of web pages. Markup language such as HTML, JavaScript, and XML will be covered. Elements of graphics and multimedia will also be included.

  • IT - 571 Mobile Management

    Credits: 3

    Examine scalable mobile architecture design, program, and remote management of mobile devices across the organization. Emphasis on user interface development, tools, security, and reliability. Must have C++ or Java background.

  • IT - 573 Cryptography

    Credits: 3

    Confidentiality, integrity, and authentication (CIA) principles are exhibited using cryptography best practices. Topics such as number theory, discrete logarithms, pseudo-random generators, stream and block ciphers, encryption methods, hashing, and cryptanalysis are discussed.

  • IT - 580 Healthcare Information Technology Management

    Credits: 3

    Introduces the critical elements of a successful simulation of healthcare IT project in a group-based environment. Groups will work through all phases of a project, from project request, through RFP and vendor selection, budgeting/planning, critical path matrix management, communication/change management, support and post support optimization, project close out, development/measurement of KPI’s and other analytics.

  • IT - 599 Master Thesis

    Credits: 3

    This research-based course may be taken instead of the IT 551  capstone project course.

MBA Core

  • CR - 501 Financial and Managerial Accounting

    Credits: 3

    Brief review of the preparation, analysis, and utilization of financial statements. Interpretation and application of accounting data for internal planning, reporting, control, and decision making.

    Prerequisite: Financial and Managerial Accounting or FD 503 
  • CR - 503 Business and Society

    Credits: 3

    An exploration of the rights, responsibilities, problems, and opportunities facing the business manager operating within a system in which the demands and expectations of the social, political, and legal subsystems often compete or conflict with purely economic factors normally affecting internal managerial decision-making and behavior of a firm. Issues of ethics and values, as they operate in an increasingly pluralistic society, will be stressed. The concept of corporate responsibility to stakeholders will be examined in some depth. The course will explore alternative responses to the question, “To whom is the corporation responsible, and for what?”

  • CR - 504 Marketing Management

    Credits: 3

    An understanding of the application of marketing theories, concepts, and practices as they relate to the management of the marketing function in a complex organization.Emphasis will be on the managerial aspects of marketing plans, including analysis of the external environment. A key element of the course will include the relationship of the “marketing mix” to strategic planning.

    Prerequisite: Principles of Marketing or FD 502  
  • CR - 505 Organization Management

    Credits: 3

    The concepts of organizational efficiency and effectiveness, which introduces non-economic variables into the total management equation and organization structure and process as key determinants of organizational survival and success is examined. Emphasis is on affective dimensions, which view responsibilities and contributions of the general manager.

    Prerequisite: Principles of Management or FD 502  
  • CR - 506 Financial Management

    Credits: 3

    Students in CR-506 will develop an understanding of current theory and practice relating to alternative approaches to meeting the financial needs of the firm. Analysis and planning, from a managerial perspective, will be stressed. There will be emphasis on the development of decision-making criteria in dealing with topics such as financial planning, working capital, capital budgeting, and debt-management.

    Prerequisite: FD 506  and CR 501  
  • CR - 507 Executive Skills Development

    Credits: 3

    This is an eclectic, interactive course aimed at developing a deeper understanding of selected topics, which contribute to heightened self-awareness as the foundation for a higher level of personal and executive development and effectiveness. The course examines the interrelatedness between leadership and management, cognitive and affective aspects of executive behavior and managerial decision-making. It includes topics such as individual self-analysis of leadership style, communications skills, personal goals and values, and interpersonal skills, team building, negotiation skills, conflict management, and small group dynamics.

  • CR - 508 Business Computing

    Credits: 3

    This course will focus on advanced features of spreadsheet applications including introductory macro design and managerial decision modeling for problem solving with Excel.

    Prerequisite: Basic knowlege of Microsoft Excel
  • CR - 510 Capstone-Policy and Strategy

    Credits: 3

    This required Capstone course, should be taken as (or near) the final course. Integral parts of the course are preparation of a comprehensive, written strategic plan, written and case analysis discussion, an online business strategy simulation, discussion boards, and review of current strategic thought. The perspective is a holistic one which views the organization as a total system, comprised of internal, specialized sub-systems, and interacting with an external, dynamic environment. The emphasis will be on the development, implementation, and analysis of organization policies and strategies which influence a firm’s survival and success in an increasingly competitive world. The role of the general manager (versus the functional specialist) will be stressed. Learning teams are used throughout the course.

    Prerequisite: Take a minimum of 10 MBA courses, not including foundations

MBA Elective

  • EL - 550 Special Topics

    Credits: 3

    An in-depth exploration of a special topic(s) of interest to selected faculty and graduate students.

  • EL - 600 Independent Study

    Credits: 3

    To be used for faculty supervised independent study, special projects, or research.

  • MBE - 501 Negotiations

    Credits: 1

    This course examines how influence, power and organizational politics are related to effective negotiation and development of leadership style. Experiential exercises facilitate learned application of strategy. This course is intended for those who want to challenge themselves to explore their potential to stimulate innovation and creativity in others.

  • MBE - 502 Analysis with Microsoft Power BI

    Credits: 1

    Understand how to harness insights from your data for informed decision-making using Microsoft Power BI, a newly developed business intelligence tool that integrates seamlessly with all the Microsoft Office suite of tools. Power BI helps you create and share impactful visualizations with others across the corporation.

  • MBE - 503 Managing and Leading People

    Credits: 1

    Provides the latest advice on how to manage change, motivate, discipline, delegate, inspire, problem solve - all the critical skills you need to succeed as a supervisor of people. Students will be offered the opportunity to identify specific topics of interest to their needs and concerns prior to the first class meeting.

  • MBE - 504 Voice of the Customer

    Credits: 1

    Learn how to capture, analyze and report on customer feedback - expectations, likes, and dislikes associated with their company service and product. Voice of the Customer (VoC) is part of a core business strategy for most companies, using critical quantitative and qualitative tools,

  • MBE - 505 Managing Change

    Credits: 1

    Trains leaders how to introduce change, overcome resistance to change, and facilitate open and honest change communication, in order to implement changes with a minimum amount of conflict and reduced periods of low productivity.

  • MBE - 506 Introduction to Consulting

    Credits: 1

    Provides an overview of the consulting profession. The primary objective of this course is to provide you with an opportunity to become familiar with the consulting business, the types of career paths, the challenges of starting and growing a consulting business and the typical phases in a consulting project. These phases include: selling a project, entering the client firm, gathering data, diagnosing issues, implementing solutions and leaving.

  • MBE - 507 Navigating Difficult Conversations

    Credits: 1

    Tackles the diverse types of difficult conversations that seem to get in the way of forward movement and success. Experiential exercises facilitate learned application of tools and skills for effectively navigating these difficult conversations. This course is intended for those who are willing to do personal reflection and practice to achieve greater success with the challenging converstations they face.

  • MBE - 508 Understanding and Planning for Today’s Economy

    Credits: 1

    Introduces students with economic analysis and policy formulation to encourage stabilizing the economy. Students will be provided with a systematic understanding of critical aspects of some economic issues such as inflation, unemployment, fiscal and monetary policy. We will
    also examine how the force of globalization affects students personal and professional lives.

  • MBE - 509 Digital Assets - Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

    Credits: 1

    Provides fundamentals of blockchain based assets including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and smart contracts. Students will explore how the concept of a blockchain allows for decentralized finance, evaluate which business uses might benefit from blockchain technologies, and analyze the benefits and shortcomings of cryptocurrencies versus traditional payment and investment methods.

    One credit, synchronous lecture, 2 Saturdays/Asynchronous assignments totaling 14 contact hours.

  • MBE - 511 Everyday Project Management

    Credits: 1

    Provides the basic tools, knowledge, insights, and skills project managers need to plan, execute, and control projects including defining scope, creating plans, scheduling, balancing interrelated activities, identifying resources, executing project plans and managing risk. Exercises and activities are used to allow participants to apply the skills immediately and reinforce learning.


  • MG - 501 Management of Human Resources

    Credits: 3

    A survey of basic principles and practices, which govern personnel, needs analysis and the selection and development of organizational human resources. Topics such as recruitment, testing, development, performance evaluation, and compensation will be examined against a backdrop of changing demographics. Legal ramifications and implications of personnel policies and practices will be considered. The management of human resources will be studied within the context of an organization’s total strategy and structure. Required for HR concentration.

    Prerequisite: CR 505  
  • MG - 502 Organizational Analysis and Design

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to open systems theory and other approaches useful for the nature, operation, and effectiveness of purposive organizations. Emphasized topics will include organization structure, the relationship between structure and process, intra- and inter-organizational dynamics, and environmental influences. Students will be expected to develop an analytical framework for analysis and design, and to apply it to a substantive organization with which they have more than superficial familiarity.

    Prerequisite: CR 505  
  • MG - 503 Entrepreneurship

    Credits: 3

    The examination of principles and contemporary practices underlying the development and conversion of ideas into organizational and market-place reality. Topics to be explored include risk, leadership, creating and developing an organizational team, defining and obtaining necessary resources, and developing and implementing a viable business plan.

    Prerequisite: CR 501  and CR 504 ; CR 506  recommended
  • MG - 504 Managerial Decision-Making

    Credits: 3

    This course will explore both the theoretical and practical aspects of managerial decision-making in an organizational context. We will examine tools and techniques. We will fully consider the role of managerial experience, judgement and intuition in the practice of managerial decision-making. We will consider the role of process design and group dynamics in decision-making effectiveness. Our goal will be to build an intellectual framework characterized by an integrated approach to decision-making based on the tools and techniques of all approaches, fully cognizant of the reality that there is a great deal of overlap and interplay among all approaches.

    Prerequisite: CR 505  
  • MG - 505 International Management

    Credits: 3

    This course is based on current trends in the field of international management set in a dynamic global business climate. It examines analytical and operational aspects in a cross culture environment supported by actual case histories.

  • MG - 510 Seminar in Management

    Credits: 3

    An in-depth study of selected topics in management with a balance of both theoretical and applied perspectives. A review of some of the classic writings in management or the history of management development would be illustrative of topics appropriate for treatment in this seminar setting, as would be various other topics introduced but not explored in depth in other courses.

  • MG - 520 Special Topics in Management

    Credits: 3

    A course tailored to special interests of students and faculty that may be offered when demand warrants.

MBA Foundation

  • FD - 501 Essentials of Economics

    Credits: 3

    This course will cover the basic concepts of macroeconomics, microeconomics, and money and banking. Topics included are supply and demand, national income accounting, international trade policy, critical economic indicators, elasticity, market structures, monetary and fiscal policy, theories of interest rate determination, foreign exchange markets, budget deficits and public debt. Current economic issues and policies are emphasized.

  • FD - 502 Management and Marketing Principles

    Credits: 3

    The management portion of this course will cover the history and evolution of management theory as well as long range planning, organization design, management style, organizational communication systems, motivation/rewards, and problem solving. Emphasis will be on developing a systemic, holistic perspective. The marketing portion of this course will examine the basic functions of marketing, i.e., the marketing mix, market research, product analysis, promotional communications, etc. as they relate to the exchange factor in satisfying consumer needs and wants.

  • FD - 503 Accounting for Decision Makers

    Credits: 3

    The course presents accounting as an information development and communication function that supports decision-making by managers, owners, creditors, and others. Topics included are: the conceptual framework of financial accounting, statements of financial position, income and cash flows, asset and liability measurement, concepts of income, and the accounting process.

  • FD - 505 Foundations of Business

    Credits: 3

    The course consists of five modules: management, marketing, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and accounting covering the materials in FD 501 - FD 503 in an accelerated 12-week session. Successful completion of the course requires significant amounts of independent study. This course is only available to M.B.A. students with graduate degrees or higher. This is a pass/fail course.

  • FD - 506 Managerial Statistics

    Credits: 3

    This course provides the statistical analysis background needed for managers to be successful decision makers. Topics including probability distributions, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis will be explored.

  • FD - 5051 Foundations of Business: Management and Marketing Modules

    Credits: 1

    This module is a survey of both key management and marketing topics with an emphasis on theory and applicable skills. Select theories will be related to real world (global) applications and linked to current job responsibilities as time allows. This is a pass/fail course.

  • FD - 5052 Foundations of Business: Economics Module

    Credits: 1

    This module is an introduction to economics. It will cover the basic concerts of economics as well as macroeconomics and microeconomics. Topics include: terminology, economic models, supply and demand, elasticity, market structures, competition and monopoly, national income accounting, international trade policy, monetary and fiscal policy, interest rate determination, budget deficits and public debt. This is a pass/fail course.

  • FD - 5053 Foundations of Business: Accounting Module

    Credits: 1

    The course presents accounting as an information development and communication function that supports decision-making by managers, owners, creditors, and others. Topics included are: the conceptual framework of financial accounting, statements of financial position, income and cash flows, asset and liability measurement, concepts of income, and the accounting process.


  • MK - 501 Buyer Behavior

    Credits: 3

    An analysis of interaction among the major social, cultural, psychological, and economic influences on the behavior of the buyer, in both the consumer and industrial sectors. The application of behavioral principles to the development of effective marketing strategies will be explored.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  
  • MK - 502 Marketing Strategy

    Credits: 3

    An advanced course which interprets the principles, tools, and techniques of marketing analysis from a strategic perspective. The course focuses on the development of a comprehensive marketing plan.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  
  • MK - 503 Marketing Research

    Credits: 3

    An examination of the objectives, techniques, and limitations of marketing research as a tool of effective marketing management. Topical coverage will include: formulation of research objectives, selection of research design, and the collection, analysis, interpretation and use of data. The use of models, simulations, and other research tools and techniques will also be examined. The perspective will be that of the user of marketing research products.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  
  • MK - 504 Marketing Simulation

    Credits: 3

    A computer-based simulation, which allows students to make interactive decisions and to receive feedback from the model, so as to create an appreciation of the interrelatedness of the numerous variables which affect key marketing decisions. Normally, student teams compete by making decisions about price levels, production levels, promotion policies, distribution systems, product features, research budgets, etc., which affect their company and/or industry.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  
  • MK - 505 International Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply basic marketing concepts, principles, strategies, and techniques to the special challenges of the international setting. This is done by examining and applying marketing decision-making processes, determining marketing information requirements, developing criteria for planning and control systems, and becoming familiar with alternative organizational designs and marketing strategies most effective in the global context increasingly faced by the multi-national firm.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  
  • MK - 506 Digital Interactive Marketing Strategy

    Credits: 3

    Examines the theories and concepts underlying the use of information and communication technology by firms and consumers, and challenges students to critique and utilize digital tools and social media, including Twitter, Facebook, online reviews, blogs, paid search, digital advertising, and online promotions in achieving marketing objectives. The course examines the theory of digital marketing in both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) markets.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  
  • MK - 510 Seminar in Marketing

    Credits: 3

    An in-depth study of selected, contemporary topics in marketing, with a balance between the theoretical and applied perspectives. Disciplinary foundations of marketing will be stressed.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  
  • MK - 520 Special Topics in Marketing

    Credits: 3

    A course tailored to special interests of students and may be offered when demand warrants.

    Prerequisite: CR 504  


  • NU - 522 Health Policy, Organization and Financing

    Credits: 3

    The course provides an overview of health policy and financing issues. The structure of the major delivery and public/ private reimbursement systems is explored. Concepts related to the design, function, management and evaluation of budgets, budget analyses, and variances are studied. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationships between health care financing and health policy as well as opportunities for health advocacy in the advanced practice role.

  • NU - 530 Applied Research

    Credits: 3

    This course prepares the student to identify, evaluate, and translate research to resolve practice problems. Focus is placed on the critical appraisal of research data and its application within the practice setting. The concepts of translating and integrating scholarship into practice to improve patient outcomes are emphasized.

  • NU - 534 Principles of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Credits: 3

    This course emphasizes principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation used in examination of patterns of health and illness in populations. Focus is placed on research designs and the determinants of health associated with the distribution and etiology of health and disease. Methodological skills, including the calculation of rates, determination of risk, association, and analysis of vital statistic data are emphasized.

  • NU - 536 Clinical Prevention in Population Health

    Credits: 3

    This course examines clinical prevention methods used to address diverse needs of multicultural and underserved populations. Students are prepared to implement population-based disease prevention and health promotion activities to contribute to national and international goals of improving health outcomes. Students engage in service-learning activities, including structured time for student reflection. Emphasis is placed on the importance of context (e.g, family, community, culture, socioeconomic status) in conducting health outcomes research and program evaluation.

  • NU - 538 Health Informatics, Quality and Safety

    Credits: 3

    This course provides an overview of the principles and theories pertinent to quality, safety, and evolving innovations in healthcare. It prepares the student to utilize health information technologies and systems to evaluate and improve the quality and safety of patient care. Integrating technology and information systems with continuous quality modes and processes to measure health outcomes is emphasized.

  • NU - 545 Introduction to Biostatistics

    Credits: 3

    This course covers the fundamentals of biostatistics focusing on application to research across the health sciences. Topics will include sampling, exploratory data analysis, discrete and continuous distributions, descriptive statistics, probability models, parameter examination,
    hypothesis testing, regressions analysis and design of experiments. Emphasis will be on the development of critical thinking skills as related to the analysis of public health and medical data. Statistical software will be used.

    Prerequisite: Experience in basic statistics recommended
  • NU - 550 Theories of Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 4

    This course is foundational to the development of the teaching role of the clinical nurse specialist/nurse educator.  Students will apply sound pedagogical theories, incorporating methods of learning and environmental adaptation, to the development, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs geared to specific populations with identified diverse learning needs. Students will model characteristics of the effective teacher through application of ethical and professional practices. Clinical Practicum Hours: 75 A laboratory fee is required.

  • NU - 552 Teaching Methods and Media

    Credits: 4

    This course focuses on innovative, evidence-based approaches to the selection of teaching methodologies. Emphasis is placed on web-based, virtual, information, and simulation technologies in nursing and/or health education. Students have opportunities to employ principles of test design and evaluation in the development of an educational activity in a selected educational setting.

  • NU - 553 Curriculum Design and Evaluation

    Credits: 4

    This course examines the role of the faculty member in the design and evaluation of all aspects of the various pathways of nursing curricula. Students will develop mission, vision, and goal statements to guide the educational enterprise. Emphasis is placed on competency and mastery evaluation of a variety of educational methods.

  • NU - 560 Professional Writing

    Credits: 1

    This course reviews essential skills for effective writing at the doctoral level, with a focus on understanding structure conventions of scientific argumentation and central topics including plain style, clarity, and correctness in scientific prose; major genres of clinical writing; responsible use of sources, including APA citation conventions; and effective planning and management of the writing process for major projects.

  • NU - 576 Health Literacy Global Context

    Credits: 3

    Health Literacy is defined as “the ability of an individual to access, understand, and use health-related information and services to make appropriate health decisions”. This course employs a global context in focusing on contemporary issues related to the promotion of health literacy in the advanced practice role. Students have the opportunity to apply learned principles to a specific at-risk population either in the United States or internationally.1-2 credit hours lecture on campus; remaining credit hours via international or local field experience.

  • NU - 600 Nursing Independent Study

    Credits: 1

    This course is tailored to the student’s unique curriculum needs. Course objectives are jointly derived between the student and faculty member.

  • NU - 622 Advanced Physical Assessment

    Credits: 4

    This course provides advanced practice students with the clinical investigative skills required to assess health status across the lifespan.  Students conduct both comprehensive and focused health histories, and perform both comprehensive and focused physical assessments with respect to age, gender, cultural, developmental, and social risks. Students assess health promotion/disease prevention/health protection needs and anticipatory guidance opportunities via advanced practice case scenarios and simulations. Hypothesis generation, clinical documentation, and clinical decision making skills are developed to identify patient needs, problems, and risks in order to develop a comprehensive plan of care. Clinical Laboratory Hours: 75 Course Fee- BSN-DNP NP tracks only.

    Prerequisite: Undergraduate level health assessment course
  • NU - 626 Pathophysiology

    Credits: 3

    This course provides the foundation of pathophysiological principles across the lifespan that guide clinical practice for the advanced practice nurse. Students will recognize pathophysiological changes that result in alterations in function. Systemic alterations resulting from a variety of disease states are explored. Specific emphasis is placed on etiology, pathogenesis, environmental influences, and clinical manifestations of common alterations across the lifespan.

  • NU - 628 Advanced Pharmacology

    Credits: 4

    This course builds on student’s basic pharmacology knowledge with the addition of therapeutic uses of pharmacological agents in primary and tertiary care settings. Emphasis is placed on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and the management of drug therapies across the lifespan. Prescribing practices to include cultural beliefs, costs, adherence, response to therapy, teaching and health promotion are addressed. Clinical practice and health promotion guidelines specific to children, adults, and older adults are examined.

    Prerequisite: NU 626  
  • NU - 631 Adult Gerontology CNS I

    Credits: 4

    This course focuses upon the role of the CNS in the application of the core competencies in direct and indirect care, including the patient/family, nurses/nursing practice, and organizations/systems. The student will utilize theoretical concepts and evidence-based practice to improve patient care outcomes. Clinical Practicum Hours: 75 A laboratory fee is required.

    Prerequisite: All core and advanced core MSN courses
  • NU - 633 Behavioral Neuroscience

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner to behavioral neuroscience with an overview of the neurobiology of cognition, memory, emotion, and behavior, while emphasizing the anatomical and physiological systems that underlie psychiatric illness. Students will interpret, analyze, and translate emerging neurobiological research into effective treatments of mental illness. Course Fee- BSN-DNP NP tracks only.

    Prerequisite: NU 626  
  • NU - 634 Foundations of Assessment and Diagnosis in Psychiatry

    Credits: 3

    This course provides students with the theoretical foundation to develop advanced competencies in psychiatry.  The focus is on assessment, diagnosis, and case formulation of mental illness for individuals across the life span. Simulated clinical experiences allow students to practice conducting psychiatric diagnostic interviews, formulating differential diagnoses, performing medication management, and creating comprehensive case formulations. Course Fee- BSN-DNP NP tracks only.

    Prerequisite: NU 741  
  • NU - 713 Procedure in Advanced Nursing Practice

    Credits: 2

    This course provides hands-on, interactive opportunities to establish basic competencies in diagnostic and invasive procedures commonly encountered in advanced nursing practice. Students will be prepared to perform these skills and procedures under the supervision of a qualified mentor during specialty clinical courses. Emphasis is placed on the underlying pathophysiologic processes that dictate procedural need, decision making for referral, and follow up management.

    Prerequisite: All core and advanced core MSN courses
  • NU - 714 Foundations of Primary Care

    Credits: 3

    Using “Healthy People 2020” as the framework for study, behavioral, developmental, cultural and lifestyle issues encountered in primary care are examined. Students identify populations at risk and determine appropriate interventions for individuals, groups, families, and special populations. Models of health promotion and risk reduction are integrated into planning care, counseling, and teaching strategies relevant to primary care across the lifespan.

    Prerequisite: NU 713  and all core and advanced core MSN courses
  • NU - 715 Advanced Family Health I

    Credits: 6

    This course provides students with the interdisciplinary theoretical foundations and clinical experience to develop beginning competencies to promote health, prevent illness, and manage select acute and chronic primary care needs of patients and families across the lifespan. Issues of age, gender, race, and culture are emphasized. Precepted clinical experiences and case presentations provide opportunities for students to apply new knowledge to assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation of clients with health promotion needs and common acute and chronic health concerns. Maximizing resources, referrals, and consultation are discussed within the context of the interdisciplinary care team. Clinical Practicum Hours: 225. A laboratory fee is required.

    Prerequisite: NU 714  

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