Mar 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Project Management Graduate Certificate

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Graduate Certificate Programs are ideal for students who seek to expand their current qualifications, are considering a reentry into higher education, or who want to jumpstart their Master’s degree by completing coursework that applies towards the MBA degree.

Project managers are responsible for facilitating the successful development, execution, and completion of given projects. Project management activities cover everything from project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring/controlling and closing and the utilization of processes and tools to coordinate them.

The Business Administration Program
Dr. David M. Gilfoil, Director
610.282.1100, ext. 1450
toll free: 1.888.MBA.EXCEL

Mary Ann Falk
MBA Associate Director/Program Coordinator, Center
Valley, Center City Allentown, and Lehigh Valley Hospital

James Castagna
MBA Program Coordinator, Bethlehem Area and LVHNPocono
Medical Center

Joseph Zukauskas
MBA Program Coordinator, Lansdale Area and Immaculata
University, Pfizer, Inc., and Dorman Products, Inc.

The MBA program develops corporate and community leaders.

Mission Statement

The MBA program’s mission is to prepare students for global leadership positions in the ethical management of business enterprises, government agencies, healthcare organizations, or not-for-profit organizations. Distinguishing characteristics of the program are its emphasis on quality instruction, executive skills development, its general management orientation, its aim of integrating skills and values, its explicit attempt to link theory and practice, and its underlying sensitivity to Christian humanism. It is the intent of the program to provide students with the foundations for socially-useful and professionally-rewarding careers.

Learning Outcomes

The MBA program is intended to provide students with a sophisticated level of understanding of the basic functional areas of business, as well as an appreciation of the role of business in our pluralistic society and the international community in which it exists. The ethical dimension of personal and corporate behavior and decision-making will be stressed throughout the program. The program will achieve this by having the students successfully:

  • apply and evaluate management theories to make decisions that enhance organizational effectiveness.
  • apply and evaluate marketing principles to make decisions about the direction of an organization.
  • analyze accounting data to understand the financial position of an organization and to make managerial decisions.
  • analyze and evaluate quantitative data to make business decisions, in particular the budgeting of capital among potential investments.
  • evaluate business decisions in light of regulatory and ethical frameworks, particularly with regard to Catholic Social Teaching.
  • analyze and evaluate personal leadership skills, especially with respect to personnel management and effective communication.
  • explain and analyze business issues utilizing a concentrated field of business.
  • integrate concepts across business fields to develop comprehensive business strategy.

Admission Requirements

Requirements for admission to the MBA program are

  • A bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by one of the six regional accrediting bodies (Middle States, New England, North Central, Northwest, Southern, and Western Association of Schools and Colleges) or its equivalent from a foreign institution.
  • Acceptable level of academic quality in undergraduate work. Normally, this is defined as having achieved an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Computer literacy and familiarity with basic, business-oriented software.
  • Acceptable score on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). The GMAT may be waived for the applicant who presents evidence of a strong undergraduate academic record with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. . Candidates with a GPA below 3.0 may still be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Two years of full-time work experience.

All admission decisions and admission related matters must be approved by the MBA Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards, which meets at various intervals throughout the year. Applicants will be notified at the earliest possible date about their admission status.

Prerequisite Foundation Courses

Applicants who have not successfully completed undergraduate course equivalents outlined in the following sections of this catalog must do so by any of the following options:

  • Completion of the equivalent undergraduate courses identified in the Undergraduate Foundation Courses section of this catalog.
  • Undergraduate level CLEP examination, which is described in the University’s Undergraduate Catalog.
  • Completion of equivalent graduate courses described in the Graduate Level Foundation Courses section of this catalog.

Prerequisite foundation course requirements should be satisfied before pursuing graduate level core, concentration, or elective courses so as to ensure adequate academic background, which is assumed in these advanced courses.

Prior academic course work to satisfy the undergraduate foundation course requirements should normally have been completed within the seven years preceding the date of acceptance into the program, with course grades of “C” or better. Each course should be the equivalent of at least three credit hours of academic work.

Undergraduate Foundation Courses

Undergraduate Foundation Courses are listed:

EC - 209 Principles of Macroeconomics
EC - 210 Principles of Microeconomics
MG - 201 Principles of Management
MG - 211 Quantitative Business Analysis
MK - 201 Principles of Marketing
AB - 217 Financial Accounting
AB - 219 Managerial Accounting
FN - 220 Money and Banking *

*Only required for finance concentration students.

Graduate Level Foundation Courses

As an alternative to completing the undergraduate foundation course requirements, students may elect to complete the corresponding graduate level foundation course(s) from the list below:

FD - 501 Essentials of Economics  
FD - 502 Management and Marketing Principles  
FD - 503 Accounting for Decision Makers  
FD - 506 Managerial Statistics  

These courses facilitate accelerated coverage of prerequisite subject matter. The pace is rapid and significant preparation outside of class is expected.

Candidates for the DNP/MBA and MSN/MBA programs, as well as candidates with a master’s degree or Ph.D., may substitute FD 501 , FD 502 , and FD 503  by completing FD - 505 Foundations of Business . The foundation course is offered in an accelerated 16-week session covering 5 modules: management, marketing, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and accounting. The course requires a substantial amount of independent study.

Completion of any of the above listed courses (FD 501 -FD 506 ) does not reduce or substitute the MBA graduation requirements. Grades earned in these courses will not be computed in the graduate GPA. Information about the equivalency between undergraduate foundation courses and graduate level foundation courses is available through the MBA office.

Computer Literacy

The University expects all incoming students to be “computer-literate,” which is defined as being familiar with and capable of using basic word processing, spreadsheet, database software, and the Internet. Applicants lacking this background should acquire it by completing relevant coursework at the University or by some approved alternative.

Academic Schedule

The academic year of the MBA program consists of four sessions:

Summer (6 weeks) - early July - mid August
Fall (12 weeks) - late Aug. - late November
Winter (12 weeks) - early January - late March
Spring (12 weeks) - early April - late June

The Academic Calendar can be found at

During the 12-week sessions, courses meet once a week from 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. During the 6-week summer session, courses meet twice a week from 6:00 - 9:30 p.m.

Student Status

A full-time student is one who carries at least six (6) credits in a given term.

A half-time student is one who carries at least three (3) credits in a given term.

International Student Status

In addition to the criteria described in the Academic Regulations section, an international student (F-1 visa) needs to

  • maintain full-time student status,
  • carry at least one classroom based course in each session, and
  • take no more than one distance-education course in each session.

Student Categories

Applicants may be admitted to the MBA program in one of the following categories:

Regular Student Category
A student in this category must have met all admission and foundation course requirements.

Provisional Student Category
A student in this category needs to fulfill foundation or specified requirements as set forth by the MBA Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards. The student will be eligible for regular student status when all requirements have been met.

Special Student Category
A qualified applicant who has not formally applied to the program may be permitted by the director to enroll as a special student in a maximum of two MBA courses. The applicant must satisfy all admission requirements before enrolling in any additional MBA courses.

Auditing Student Category
The MBA program director may permit qualified applicants to audit selected courses. Such applicants must complete the MBA application form, and pay tuition for any courses to be audited. Audited courses may not be counted toward graduation requirements.

Application Procedure

Application is completed online. Interested students are encouraged to discuss their background with a program coordinator before submitting their formal application for admission.

Formal action on a prospective student’s application for admission cannot be taken until all of the following have been received:

  1. A completed application form.
  2. Three letters of recommendation from appropriate individuals.
  3. Official transcripts of all prior undergraduate and graduate coursework.
  4. GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test), and TOEFL and TSE scores, if required.
  5. A personal letter in which the applicant outlines objectives, capabilities, and motivation for pursuing graduate study.
  6. A non-refundable application fee.
  7. Current resume.

When all of the materials are received, a member of the MBA Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards may interview the applicant. The following points are typical of the issues appropriate for discussion at such an interview:

  • Factors in the applicant’s background to justify the desire to pursue the MBA degree.
  • Aptitude for graduate study.
  • Commitment to the ideals associated with the management profession.
  • Plans for completion of the program.

Completed application items should be submitted at least one month in advance of the date on which the applicant plans to begin graduate coursework.

Transfer Policy

Regular students may transfer a maximum of nine graduate credits into the MBA program. Transfer credits are acceptable for courses completed with a minimum grade of “B” at an accredited institution within seven years of acceptance into the program, must be compatible with the MBA curriculum, and must be approved by the program director. Additional transfer credits must be approved by the dean of graduate education upon the recommendation of the program director and the MBA Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards. In order to transfer graduate credits into the MBA program, students must submit an official transcript, course description and course syllabus for each transferred course.


Regular students are eligible for matriculation after completing 12 credits of graduate course work with at least a 3.0 GPA. In general, the MBA core courses will be used to satisfy the 12-credit requirement for matriculation.


Upon acceptance into the MBA program, students will receive an e-mail to their personal e-mail account containing login instructions for DeSales e-mail, WebAdvisor, Blackboard Learn, and the library resources. WebAdvisor is the web-based platform used to register for class. Students may register for class as soon as each session schedule is available.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are available at

Refund Amount

Drops during the add/drop period: 100% of tuition refunded.

Withdrawal after the 1st class after the close of the add drop period: 80% of tuition refunded.

Withdrawal after the 2nd class after the close of the add drop period: 65% of tuition refunded

Withdrawal after the 3rd class after the close of the add drop period: 50% of tuition refunded

Withdrawal after the 4th class after the close of the add drop period: 25% of tuition refunded

Withdrawal after the 5th class after the close of the add drop period: No refund

MBA Probation Regulation

A student may be placed on probation at any time after completion of 12 credits if their GPA falls below a 3.0. The student will remain on probation until the GPA improves and the student reaches a 3.0, or for one year, whichever comes first. If after one year the student’s GPA remains below a 3.0, but substantial progress has been made, an appeal can be submitted to the director of the program, asking for an extended time to improve the GPA. An additional two sessions may be approved. Carrying a GPA of less than a 3.0 after this process will result in dismissal from the MBA program.

Graduation Requirements

The MBA degree will be awarded to candidates who have satisfied the following requirements

  • Satisfactory completion of all foundation course requirements.
  • With the exception of the Financial Planning concentration, completion of the required 12 graduate level courses (36* credit hours) with a GPA of at least 3.0, and no more than two grades below the “B-” level. The required 12 graduate level courses are described in the Program Structure section. (The Financial Planning concentration requires successful of 13 graduate level courses (39 credit hours) with a GPA of at least 3.0, and no more than two grades below the “B-” level. The required 13 graduate level courses are described in the Program Structure section.)
  • Achievement of a minimum grade of “B” in the required capstone course, CR - 510 CAPSTONE-Policy and Strategy .
  • Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the University.

No special written or oral examination or special research project report is necessary to meet the minimum graduation requirements. Similarly, there is no thesis requirement.

Course Waiver

The director may waive one of the following courses:

CR - 501 Financial and Managerial Accounting  for a student who has completed 12 undergraduate credits in accounting with at least a 3.0 GPA.

CR - 504 Marketing Management  for a student who has completed 12 undergraduate credits in marketing with at least a 3.0 GPA.

CR - 505 Organization Management  for a student who has completed 12 undergraduate credits in management with at least a 3.0 GPA.

Prior Learning Assessment Credits

The DeSales MBA Program will consider awarding credits for prior learning for previously completed non-credit courses or education-related training. Prior learning credits will not be issued for coursework acquired as an undergraduate. The prior learning must parallel an existing graduate course and a tuition fee will be charged for these credits if approved. For a full explanation of requirements, please contact the DeSales MBA office.


Consistent attendance is essential to participate in, contribute to, and profit from classroom discussions and other activities. Possible absences should be discussed with the instructor and missed work must be made up for the successful completion of the course.

The Online MBA

The MBA program has continued its commitment to stay in the forefront of education by offering courses completely online. Using the latest technology, students have the flexibility and convenience to take courses at times convenient for them: home, after work, or during travel.

Online degrees may be earned in any of our concentrations without ever visiting any of the physical locations where the MBA is offered.

Class structures may vary with instructors and courses, but in general involve a combination of chat sessions, research, independent reading, and projects. The University uses Blackboard Learn as downloadable interactive educational software.

Technology Requirements for Online/Hybrid Learning

Students will need a laptop (PC or Mac) or access to a desktop computer in order to receive the best compatibility and functionality when taking courses at DeSales University. Tablets and mobile phones can be used as supplemental technology but will not have the same capabilities as a full computer.

Requirements for PC
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 10 or higher), Google Chrome (version 45 or higher), or Mozilla Firefox (version 40 or higher)
Pop-Up blocking should be disabled in all browsers

Requirements for Mac
Operating System: Macintosh OS 10.8 or higher (Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, or El Capitan)
Browser: Safari (version 5.1 or higher), Google Chrome (version 27 or higher), or Mozilla Firefox (version 21 or higher) Java Version 7 or higher
Pop-Up blocking disabled

Computer speakers or headset: Many courses include videos or audio lectures which require use of speakers or headset.
Headset with microphone: A microphone may be required if your course includes live audio chat over the Internet. You can purchase a computer headset with microphone at most office supply or electronics stores. A USB headset works best.

Specific courses require different software. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what software is needed to participate in the course. MS Office is usually the standard for word processing but any program that will save files as PDF will work. Adobe Acrobat Reader or some other program that reads PDF files is also often a requirement.

A plug-in is a software application that can easily be installed and used as part of your web browser. In most cases, you will be prompted to install plug-ins as needed. Some necessary plug-ins may include, but are not limited to the following:

Java (version 7 or higher)
Microsoft Silverlight
Flash Player (Version 11 is recommended)
Apple Quicktime

Students enrolled in distance education or online courses are required to use their DeSales University e-mail. Please view the DeSales University e-mail policy.

Course Requirements

The 15-credit graduate certificate program in Project Management will include the following three-credit courses:

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Project Management Graduate Certificate Program, students will be able to:

  1. Successfully compete for project management positions within the field of choice
  2. Prove application of the ten project management knowledge areas: integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communications, risk, procurement management, and stakeholder management as applied to each area
  3. Explain and analyze the components involved, and processes necessary for, successful project management as adapted to the specific needs of the organization or industry (i.e. initiating, planning, executing, monitoring/controlling and closing)
  4. Design and implement tools/templates to support the project management process within an organization
  5. Articulate leading trends and issues in project and change management
  6. Evaluate and implement necessary strategies for domestic and global project management with respect to cultural and performance-related interactions
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of high ethical standards and the application of those standards in real life project management situations consistent with the Christian humanistic philosophy of St. Francis de Sales.

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