Mar 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information


DeSales is a Catholic, Salesian university that inspires transformative learning through the liberal arts and professional studies by energizing students to be who they are and be that well.

Catholic Identity

The Catholic identity of DeSales University is central to our mission and the experience of learning for our students, faculty, and staff. We work to advance the Catholic faith in a way that respects its great tradition and honors the dignity and faith life of all in our community. The following includes key elements that comprise our efforts to advance a dynamic, life-giving expression of our tradition. This list is compiled from sources that include normative documents and statements of Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis; the Congregation of Catholic Education; and the church’s Code of Canon Law.

Most recently, the leadership of Pope Francis has energized the ministry of Catholic education. He has encouraged Catholic school leaders to form students to use their “head, hands, and hearts” to serve the world and build the Kingdom of God. Additionally, he said that educators must have one of their feet in the security of the tradition and the other in the zone of risk, for this leads to the freedom that is called for in education.

  1. Access for the poor: Catholic college and universities provide necessary resources for students from poor families to attend their schools (Congregation for Catholic Education, 2017a).
  2. Activities guided by the Catholic faith: “Catholic ideals, attitudes, and principles should appropriately penetrate and inform all university activities” (Miller, 2007, p. 175).
  3. Campus Ministry: The university “collaborates in ecumenical and interfaith efforts to care for the pastoral needs of students, faculty, and other university personnel who are not Catholic” (Miller, 2007, p. 186).
  4. Care for Creation: Pope Francis’ call for integral ecology and his publication of Laudato Si, a papal encyclical raised this value to an essential element of the faith formation of the human person. 
  5. Cooperation and Catholicity: “As direct personal contact between faculty and students is a hallmark of U.S. Catholic education,” pastoral relationships provide the foundation for the network of interactions among the school community (Miller, 2007, p. 182). “The university’s learning atmosphere should encourage the proper befriending of students” (Miller, 2007, p. 182).
  6. Curriculum and the Catholic intellectual tradition: Catholic schools advance “an all-embracing vision that animates their intellectual life for comprehensive worldview grounded” in the Catholic educational tradition that unites faith and reason to serve the church and society (Miller, 2007, p. 179).
  7. Dialogue with culture: The school is providing a context for current issues to be debated, discussed, and argued with the voice of the church accurately represented from the tradition and the voice of the culture respectfully listened to with appropriate regard for the students’ development of their minds and attitudes (Congregation for Catholic Education, Educating for Fraternal Humanism, 2017). 
  8. Faculty selection: Finely academically prepared faculty “outstanding in their integrity of doctrine and probity of life” will be hired for mission (Code of Canon Law, 1983, in Miller, 2007, p. 177).
  9. Hospitality and Inclusion: The ongoing vehemence, volume, and volubility of Pope Francis on welcoming and accompanying the stranger and those marginalized, especially migrants, calls for Catholic communities of all sorts, including those in Catholic higher education, to integrate hospitality in every context. Additionally, he has taken the heretofore curial responsibility of Care for Migrants into the personal office of the pope.  In other words, the pope did not delegate this church matter.
  10. Institutional commitment to Catholicity: The school is a “publicly recognizable institution whose activities of teaching, scholarship, and service ‘are connected with and in harmony with the evangelizing mission of the Church” (John Paul II, 1990, as cited in Miller, 2007, p. 174).
  11. International solidarity: “A mark of a university’s Catholicity is whether it tithes its own academic and financial resources so as to help build up systems of Catholic higher education in the local churches of developing countries. Two matters to consider with regard to international solidarity” include links to other schools, especially in the developing world, to promote the common good and making a priority the exchange of academic resources (Miller, 2007, p. 184).
  12. Jesus: The Catholic school shows a primacy in its culture for the presence and place of Jesus in its culture (O’Connell, 2012, p. 157).
  13. Scholarship and research: All research from the Catholic institution must respect the norms and teaching of the church (Miller, 2007, p. 178).
  14. Social Justice and Fraternal Humanism: The Church’s Catholic Social Teaching, coupled with Educating for Fraternal Humanism, a document of the Congregation of Catholic Education which he authorized in April 2017, positions the education to place the person at the center of education with the host of accompanying values from the corpus of social teaching and this most recent Vatican statement on education.
  15. Student life: The university hosts a “commitment to create a campus culture and environment that is expressive and supportive of a Catholic way of life, respects the religious liberty and freedom of conscience of all students, and strives to form graduates whose faith enlightens their everyday lives” (Miller, 2007, p. 185).
  16. Theology and Catholic identity: A Catholic university graduates “students with a suitable level of theological literacy” (Miller, 2007, p. 180). Here, it is important that “those teaching theology are in full communion with the Church (Miller, 2007, p. 181).


  Congregation for Catholic Education. (2017). Educating for fraternal humanism.

        Miller, J. M. (2007). The role of the Holy See in fostering the identity of Catholic higher education. Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education, 26(2), 165-186.

        O’Connell, D. M. (2012). Our schools-our hope: Reflections on Catholic identity from the 2011 Catholic higher education collaborative conference. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 16(1), 155-186.


DeSales University is firmly and publicly committed to the principles of Roman Catholic doctrine and morality. It also fully recognizes that the search for truth requires an atmosphere of intellectual freedom and that love demands an openness to all that is good. 

DeSales carefully distinguishes between the free pursuit of truth - which it guarantees every member of the campus community - and its own commitment to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

For DeSales University, Christian humanism means that every aspect of human experience is capable of enlightenment by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This Gospel brings light to each dimension of personal existence (physical, intellectual, social, moral, aesthetic, and religious) and every environmental domain (natural world, social institutions, cultural achievements, historical periods, and religious societies). 

The encounter between the Word of God and the concrete world of the human person makes a fully meaningful existence possible. DeSales University strives to teach the student what it means to be Christian in a Salesian way, what it means to embrace one’s own life, and what it means to bring this Good News to the human family.


We aspire to be a learning community where innovative teaching, mentored professional practice, and ethical preparation expands the minds, the talents, and the hearts of curious students to construct new ideas and lead lives of impact.

To accomplish this vision, we will strive for continuous improvement through a coordinated set of strategic initiatives defined by the following elements:

  • Mission-forward actions
  • Keenly focused enrollment growth
  • Online learning throughout our programs
  • A developed nexus between career and alumni development
  • Effective utilization of our campus resources

Our Values

Salesian gentleness challenges us daily, from how we text and email to the way we drive, vote, and relate to our friends, family, foes, and colleagues.

With Salesian humility, we are grateful for the gifts given to us, crediting God for them and blessing the world with our expression of those gifts placed at the service of others.

Our ability to give thanks to God emerges from humility and prompts us to pray and, in turn, share the bounty of our blessings with others. 

During a time in our world when countless peoples are exiled from their homelands, rejected and forced to live on streets, precluded from quality education, or marginalized in any way, Salesian hospitality seeks to accept others by honoring their human dignity and empowering them to be who they are and be that well.

Francis de Sales wrote: “Knowledge is the eighth sacrament.”  Francis also developed the centrality of the heart as the locus of love for the human person.  Thus, knowledge must not remain in the mind but touch the heart to be transformed into a wisdom that informs life’s choices and impels the disciple to love and serve.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Inspired by the inclusivity of the Gospel, we at DeSales University are committed to promoting excellence through diversity, equity and inclusion. We will work intentionally to create inclusive and equitable approaches that support our unique experiences and identities, while being home to a diverse community of learners, practitioners, and scholars that is reflective of our Lehigh Valley and regional communities. This commitment is a mission-critical imperative in honoring our Salesian spirituality which creates a campus community that allows us to ‘be who you are and be that well.”

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Statement

We acknowledge with respect, the people of the Lenni Lenape, the Indigenous Peoples on whose ancestral lands DeSales University now stands. We honor them and their many contributions to the world around us, including the original philosophy and practice of environmental stewardship. Respecting the call of Pope Francis in Laudato Si, we strive to “show special care for indigenous communities and their cultural traditions” (Laudato Si, 2015, no. 146).


DeSales University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 267.284.5000. MSCHE is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation.

History of DeSales University

On January 28, 1961, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph McShea, was appointed first bishop of the Diocese of Allentown by His Holiness Pope John XXIII. This new diocese was composed of the five northern counties (Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, and Schuylkill) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. At the request of the new bishop, the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales agreed to assume the responsibility for establishing a Catholic, liberal arts college in the Lehigh Valley.

Planning for the new college began in April, 1962; and the charter for Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales, with full power to award the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees, was granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on May 27, 1964. Classes began for first-year students in September of 1965. Allentown College was fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools during the 1969- 1970 academic year. In September 1970, the College became a coeducational institution. ACCESS, the College’s undergraduate evening program for working adults, was established in the fall of 1977. In 1984, the College began offering graduate programs with the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree. Other graduate programs include: Master of Science in Management of Information Systems (MSIS) in 1988, Master of Education (M.Ed.) in 1989, Master of Business Administration (MBA) in 1991, Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS) in 1995, and a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice (MACJ) in 2005. The University recently launched two doctoral programs: the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in 2012 and the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) in 2014. In 2018 an MFA in Creative Writing and Publishing was introduced.

Planning for the transition from college to university status began in 1998 with a regular evaluation visit by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities. Formal application to become DeSales University was presented to the secretary of education of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania during the summer of 1999. The secretary appointed an evaluation team which visited the campus in October of 1999. With receipt of their positive report, the full faculty of the institution voted unanimously to become DeSales University on January 19, 2000. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania gave final approval on March 1, 2000. The Board of Trustees of Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales voted to become DeSales University on April 13, 2000. The formal date for the name and status changes was established as January 1, 2001.

The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales

The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales was founded to advance the Gospel through the spirit and teaching of its patron saint. A chief focus of St. Francis de Sales was the gentleness and humanity of Jesus. The gentleman saint took this from his favorite Gospel quote: “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart” (MT 11:29). Working to “Live Jesus,” DeSales sought for himself and implored others to integrate the very person and personality of the Savior into the character of the disciple. Consequently, “Live Jesus” grew to become a popular maxim for DeSales.

One of the foremost Christian humanists of his day, St. Francis de Sales developed a fascinating and engaging perspective of the human person. He said, “The person is the perfection of the universe, the mind is the perfection of the person, love is the perfection of the mind and charity is the perfection of love.”

This unique conjunction, interpenetration, and interaction of intellectual and affective elements sees a person in his or her totality. In the Salesian view, with its attempt to harmonize and integrate the divine and human aspects, anthropology becomes inseparable from theology. Everything truly human comes under the study, care, and concern of the person. That is why Christian humanism engenders a universal openness and awareness.

Mother Mary Chappuis, a nun from the Order of the Visitation founded by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal, prevailed upon Father Louis Brisson to form a congregation of men committed to living and transmitting this ideal of Salesian humanism. In 1876, a small band of six men, led by Father Brisson, professed their first vows as Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and began to live the religious life in Troyes, France.

Despite humble beginnings, the order experienced a rapid growth. Oblate communities now exist in India, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, South America, South Africa, Namibia, Switzerland, and the United States.

The first foundation in the United States was Salesianum School, a high school for boys in Wilmington, Del., in 1903. Although the first undertaking of the Oblates in the United States was the Christian education of youth, members devote themselves to many other varied apostolates to serve people’s needs.

The Salesian Center for Faith and Culture

Begun in 2000, the Salesian Center for Faith and Culture serves DeSales University by promoting the interaction of faith and culture through academic initiatives that focus on the authentic integration of social concerns and gospel values in the tradition of Christian Humanism.

The activities of the Salesian Center are qualified by their attention to the legacy of St. Francis de Sales and his spiritual heirs. Programs sponsored by the Salesian Center focus on three interrelated areas of concern.

Educational initiatives investigate the Salesian spiritual tradition in light of various developments in the modern world. Select students may be admitted to the Faith and Reason Honors Program and/or the Ryan Leadership Institute.

Dialogue opportunities concern the impact of Salesian spirituality on various aspects of contemporary life. Students have the opportunity to participate in lectures, discussions, arts presentations, and other public events sponsored by the Salesian Center. Select students may win writing awards in the annual “Salesian Spirit” essay contest.

Partnership ventures link various sectors of the local community to the work of the University. Students have the opportunity to participate in public discussions sponsored by the Forum for Ethics in the Workplace.

Through these and other programs, the Salesian Center for Faith and Culture enables students and others to promote a culture of life, foster the engagement of faith and reason, form themselves as ethical leaders, and make a positive social impact in the community.

The Campus

DeSales University is situated on a beautiful 600-acre campus containing 22 buildings constructed since the founding of the University, and a number of other smaller buildings which were renovated for University use.

Dooling Hall, the main academic building, consists of four wings and a central area. Within the wings are housed administrative and faculty offices, classrooms, and a computer science center. The central portion contains the offices for graduate programs and a student lounge. Wills Hall is a combination residence for the Oblate faculty and a chapel.

Chappius Hall, Conmy Hall, Tocik Hall, Aviat Hall, Annecy Hall, and Donahue Hall are student residences, with facilities to accommodate 800 students. DeChantal Hall accommodates an additional 48 students, which have been converted as designated singles. 160 students live in University Heights, a townhouse complex constructed in 1984, 1986, and 1991. Recent renovations in 2013 have converted some of these areas into apartments that serve the needs of our growing graduate student population. Within that same year, Finnegan and Harvey, two new apartment style housing buildings, were completed and are currently housing 114 students. Another apartment style building, Guerin, was added in 2017. This area of housing is known as the University Village and primarily serves our upperclassmen population.

Billera Hall is an 85,000-square-foot physical education building, housing facilities for intercollegiate and intramural sports and fitness activities. It is surrounded by eight athletic fields.

The Dorothy Day Student Union features the Commons, a large family room for student gatherings. It is located next to Sandella’s Flatbread Café, an alternative eating venue for students. In addition, the Dorothy Day Student Union houses all of the student services offices which include the Health Center, student engagement and leadership, campus ministry, student development, residence life, counseling, international learning, and the service and social justice office.

The Labuda Center for the Performing Arts houses the performing and fine arts department facilities and serves as a campus convocation center. The Albert M. Iacocca Studios house the University’s TV/Film major. The 37,000-square-foot Priscilla Payne Hurd Science Center houses classrooms, laboratories, and faculty offices for the Departments of Biology and Chemistry. Campbell Hall houses biology laboratories and a state-of-the-art distance learning center. The University Center now includes the University Campus Store and expanded meeting space in addition to the food court, student dining, and student lounge, which were completed in the initial phase. The Daniel G. Gambet, OSFS, Center for Business and Healthcare is the University’s newest building. Featuring a gross anatomy lab, a standardized patient laboratory, and a simulated trading room with a ticker, the building houses the University’s business and healthcare programs.

The Trexler Library, dedicated to the memory of local industrialist Harry C. Trexler, is located at the center of the campus. Built in 1988, this 36,000-square-foot facility seats 300 and is designed to accommodate 160,000 volumes.

The current collection numbers more than 550,000 items, including 132,000 volumes and 40,000 electronic books, more than 12,000 electronic journals and newspapers, and 400,000 microfiche. The periodical collection includes 550 paper and microform subscriptions. Paper and computer indexes help students to access the collection.

The library staff, in consultation with the faculty, selects reference materials to meet curriculum requirements and general information needs. In the general collection, book selection is based primarily on the various majors offered at DeSales University. The library collections of the other five independent colleges of the Lehigh Valley, totaling more than one million volumes, are also available to DeSales University students through an interlibrary loan system. Students may access more than 35 million titles across Pennsylvania via the E-Z Borrow System for quick interlibrary loan. State-of-the-art computers and audiovisual equipment are available to faculty and students. The library is a member of PALINET (Pennsylvania Library Network) and is directly connected to the national bibliographic center, OCLC.

The library’s on-line catalog and electronic resources are available within the library and from the library’s web page- Extensive information concerning library services is provided at the public service desk and on the library’s web page.

Learning Management System

All students enrolled at DeSales University have a personalized account in the Blackboard Learn learning management system. Blackboard provides access to resources such as syllabi, grades, and assignments in a digital format. These features and resources are hosted on the DeSales Blackboard site at the discretion of individual instructors and therefore may not be available for every traditional day course.

New students are encouraged to log in to Blackboard and complete the Distance Education Student Orientation course, in which they are automatically enrolled. This course serves to familiarize students with the Blackboard online learning environment and demonstrates how to best use it during their academic endeavors at DeSales. Students who need additional assistance with navigating or using the Blackboard system should reach out to the University’s Help Desk either through e-mail at or by phone at 610.282.1100 ext. 4357.

Student Identity Verification in Distance and Correspondence Education

For information about our identity verification policy, please go to and click on Student Identity Verification in Distance and Correspondence Education.


The use of computing and network resources is encouraged in all courses offered at the University. The curricula emphasize the use of information technology as an integrated and interdisciplinary problem-solving tool, as a change agent, and as a vehicle for education.

The University maintains 10 well equipped computing laboratories or classrooms for research and course work.

  • The Academic Computing Center (ACC) located in Dooling Hall, contains approximately 30 PCs in its main area.
  • The ACC Computing Classroom houses approximately 12 PC systems reserved for demonstrations or class use. Six specialized Mac TV/Film workstations are housed in this room, for use by that program.
  • Dooling Hall lower level contains the Psychology and Criminal Justice Digital Laboratory containing approximately 26 computers dedicated to program needs.
  • Dooling Hall rooms 223, 225, and 227 are dedicated computing classrooms, each containing approximately 25 workstations.
  • Gambet Center room 221 is a dedicated computing classroom containing 32 workstations.
  • Trexler Technology Center (TTC) main area contains 40 PCs for public computing use and classroom support.
  • Trexler Library PC2 lab contains 16 PCs and 4 Macs, also for both public and classroom use.

All computing labs and classrooms have broadcasting software available for group presentations, including instructor control and interaction with each client station. Also, each computing area is supported by at least one high volume laser printer. All systems in all computing areas have Microsoft Windows, are fully network ready with internet access, and contain a suite of both application and network software for personal use from file and application servers located in the ACC.

The University provides all students with campus e-mail addresses through Google mail (Gmail). These accounts are accessible in a variety of ways. The Gmail server is available to process e-mail via the web. The Trexler Library supports an on-line catalog system and databases for research and course support, as well as a variety of educational, business, scientific, and economic databases on CD-ROM through regularly updated subscription services. The University also provides the Blackboard Learn learning management system for course work in all disciplines and programs.

The TTC provide a variety of services for the entire University community, including newsletters (available on-line) and seminars. All computing labs are staffed by student end user consultants to provide help when assistance is required by their users. There is no additional charge for using any of the computing resources provided by the University in any public computing area. Although the University does not require the students to bring a personal computer to campus, it is advisable to do so.

Residence Hall Network Computing (RESNET)

The Residential Networking (RESNET) initiative is designed to provide students who live in the University’s residence halls a high-speed connection to the Internet from their dormitory room using their own computing systems.

RESNET provides students a pathway to a variety of resources locally (on-campus information servers) and remote services and resources, through the University’s high-speed Internet connection. To access this high-speed connection, a student can do so wirelessly or must obtain and correctly install a Network Interface Card (NIC), sometimes called an Ethernet adapter. Most computers purchased today have wireless capability and NIC already installed. All residence halls are completely wireless. Students who want to connect their systems via RESNET should connect to the DESALES wireless network. Entertainment systems (Smart TVs, game systems, and the like) may be connected to the DeSales Entertainment network via a Help Desk request.

Students must electronically sign a RESNET Acceptable Use Policy statement each year to enable their connection and make it functional.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

The following statement represents no change in DeSales University’s long established policies but is printed to meet the requirement of IRS Ruling 75-50 of December 8, 1975, and Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments.

DeSales University will accept and make available to all students, faculty members, or employees on a nondiscriminatory basis, without regard to age, sex, race, color, disability, national and ethnic origin, or veteran status all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students, faculty members, and employees. DeSales University does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, disability, national and ethnic origin, or veteran status in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

It is the policy of DeSales University not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its activities or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments. To access DeSales University’s policy on sex discrimination, Keeping Our Campuses Safe, please visit Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to Title IX Coordinator, DeSales University, Center Valley, PA 18034-9568; phone (610) 282-1100, ext. 1404, or to the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C.

DeSales University Summary of the Student E-mail Policy

DeSales University provides students with a DeSales e-mail address to enable faculty, staff, and administrators to communicate more effectively and efficiently with students. Appropriate use of e-mail is essential to the success of this mode for contacting students.

The following points are only part of the complete DeSales University Student E-mail Policy and are intended to inform students about the key components of e-mail usage. A copy of the full version of the DeSales University Student E-mail Policy is available on the DeSales website

Responsibility for checking e-mail regularly. E-mail is an official mechanism of communication within DeSales University. Students are expected to check their e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis (minimally once per week, preferably 3 times per week) to stay current with University-related communications. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. “I didn’t check my e-mail”, an error in forwarding mail, or e-mail returned to the University with “Mailbox Full” or “User Unknown” are not acceptable excuses for missing official University communications via e-mail.

Using other e-mail accounts. Students wishing to have e-mail redirected from their official DeSales University address to another e-mail address (e.g.,,, or some other e-mail account) may do so, but at their own risk. The current Gmail system provides a mechanism that allows students to forward their official University e-mail to another e-mail address. The University will not be responsible for the handling of e-mail by outside vendors. Having e-mail redirected does not absolve a student from the responsibilities associated with official communication sent to his or her DeSales University account.

If a student does not have access to e-mail. Students have the right to request that the University not communicate with them by e-mail, but instead use an alternative form of communication. A student who does not own a computer or have access to the Internet might request an alternative form of communication. To request this, the student must notify the Registrar’s Office in writing that he or she wishes not to be communicated with by e-mail, and specify the form of communication and the location at which the student will receive that communication. Requesting and using an alternative form of communication does not absolve the student of the responsibility to frequently monitor and respond to University communications.

Privacy, security, and confidentiality. The University will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its electronic mail systems, but users are advised that those systems should in no way be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information. Because of the nature and technology of electronic communication, the University can assure neither the privacy of an individual’s use of the University’s electronic mail resources nor the confidentiality of particular messages that may be created, transmitted, received, or stored thereby.

The computer networks and e-mail servers that support members of the DeSales community at all locations are the property of the University. E-mails resident on University servers or hosted servers, whether personal or related to the business of the University, are the property of the University and not the property of the e-mail account holder, be they students, faculty, administrative staff, or consultants. Users should exercise extreme caution in using e-mail to communicate confidential or sensitive matters, and should not assume that e-mail is private and confidential. It is especially important that users are careful to send messages only to the intended recipient(s). Particular care should be taken when using the “reply” command during e-mail correspondence.

The University reserves the right to filter e-mail to reduce the quantity of spam. The University is not responsible for any e-mail that may not be received due to the filtering of e-mail.

Educational uses of e-mail. Faculty will determine how electronic forms of communication (e.g., e-mail) will be used in their classes. The DeSales University Student E-mail Policy will ensure that all students will be able to comply with e-mail-based course requirements specified by faculty. Faculty can therefore make the assumption that students’ official DeSales University e-mail accounts are being accessed, and faculty can use e-mail for their classes accordingly.

Student Personal E-mail Use. University student e-mail may be used for incidental personal purposes provided that, in addition to the foregoing constraints and conditions, such use does not: 1) directly or indirectly interfere with the University operation of computing facilities of e-mail services, or 2) burden the University with noticeable incremental cost. E-mail records arising from such personal use may, however, be subject to the restrictions set forth above

Prohibited Usage. Prohibited uses of electronic mail include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal use of the e-mail system that creates a direct cost for the University;
  • Use of the University’s e-mail resources for personal monetary gain or for commercial purposes that are not directly related to University business;
  • Sending copies of documents in violation of copyright laws;
  • Inclusion of the work of others into electronic mail communications in violation of copyright laws;
  • Capture and “opening” of electronic mail except as required for authorized employees to diagnose and correct delivery problems;
  • Use of electronic mail to harass or intimidate others or to interfere with the ability of others to conduct University business;
  • Use of electronic mail systems for any purpose restricted or prohibited by laws or University regulations;
  • “Spoofing,” i.e., constructing an electronic mail communication so it appears to be from someone else;
  • Attempting unauthorized access to electronic mail or attempting to breach any security measures on any electronic mail system, or attempting to intercept any electronic mail transmissions without proper authorization;
  • Any offensive or disruptive messages, including any messages which contain sexual implications, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any other comment that offensively addresses someone’s age, gender, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability;
  • Forwarding or sending viruses.

Disciplinary Action Students and non-student users who violate this policy in any way will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action based upon the facts and circumstances of each infraction.

DeSales University Alcohol and Drug Policy

See the Alcohol and Drug Policy at

Interinstitutional Cooperation

Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges Regular Cross Registration Policy

A. Cross Registration Policy

Full-time undergraduate degree seeking students in good academic standing who are not first semester first-year students and are enrolled at a member institution of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (Cedar Crest College, Lafayette College, Lehigh University, Moravian College and Muhlenberg College), may register for up to two undergraduate courses per term or summer session with a limit of 8 cross registered courses during their academic career. The student may cross register at any one of the member institutions provided that the appropriate approvals have been obtained from the home and host institution, and provided that such course, or courses, does not produce an overload on the student’s schedule. Cross registration is permitted on a space available basis, as determined by the host institution.

Students are eligible to cross register under the terms of this policy only if they pay the full-time comprehensive fee of the home institution. All other students must cross register under the terms of the Supplemental Cross Registration Policy. Normally, this program is to be used for courses that cannot be scheduled at the home institution; however, special circumstances may cause this requirement to be waived. Cross registration would enable the student to receive both course credit and grade for the course. However, the number of credits assigned to a given course is the responsibility of the home institution.

A.1. Cross Registration For January Term, Summer Session, and Special Programs

Cross registration for LVAIC students is available for the January term, summer sessions, and special programs, but the student must pay the appropriate fees charged by the host institution rather than the tuition cost of the home institution (which is the normal cross registration procedure). All billing will be handled directly by the host institution and the individual student.

A.2 Cross Registration Limitations For Experimental And Independent Coursework

Cross registration for LVAIC students is not available for the following types of instruction: independent study, tutorials, internships, practicum field experience, supervision of instructors and student teaching experiences, private music lessons, distance education, and online courses.

B. Cross Registration Procedures

When a student wishes to enroll for a course offered by one of the participating institutions, the student must review the course offerings available for cross registration and select a course to request.

After completing the Request for Cross Registration, the information is sent to the student’s advisor who will approve or deny the request.

Advisor approved course requests will be sent to the student’s home Registrar for any additional approvals.

If approved by the home Registrar, the information will be sent to the host Registrar for review.

Registration by the host school is dependent upon course availability and registration time lines. Students may not know the result of their request until the beginning of the semester. Students will be informed of the result of their request by the host Registrar.

At the end of the term, transcripts or certified grade reports will be forwarded automatically without charge from the Host Registrar to the Home Registrar for any cross registered students.

C. Cross Registration Procedures - General Considerations

  1. Students may review course offerings and college/university catalogs on the web sites of the institutions as well as on the LVAIC web site.
  2. A limit of two courses per term or summer session may be taken using cross registration. Each institution will establish its own regulations concerning the number of courses a student may take during any degree program, or the use of any course as a substitute for any requirement in a major or minor program.
  3. Students who register for courses at other LVAIC member institutions must assume responsibility for the costs and means of transportation and accept the inconvenience of different calendars.
  4. A student who registers for an off-campus course will be subject to the academic policies of the home institution and the requirements of the off-campus course. The Academic Dean of the home institution will handle difficulties arising out of conflicts of policy.
  5. Students ineligible for cross registration, or seeking to register for more than two courses per term, or who seek to have a prerequisite waived, must petition to do so at both the home and host institution. No ineligible student may attend class until both home and host institutions have approved the petition. The process for petitioning varies for each institution; details may be obtained at the Registrar’s Office of the appropriate institution.
  6. Pass/Fail Optional Grading System - Any student registering to take a course for which he/she has cross registered on a pass/fail basis should consult with the Registrar at the home institution for the correct procedures.

Council of Independent Colleges Online Course Sharing Consortium

To address situations where a student course scheduling need cannot be practically met through scheduled DeSales University courses (including ACCESS courses) or through the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges cross registration policy, DeSales University, at its sole discretion, may make available to students courses offered through the Council of Independent Colleges Online Course Sharing Consortium (CIC-OCSC).

General Considerations:

  1. Requests for traditional day students to take courses through the CIC-OCSC should be made by the student’s advisor to the Associate Dean of Academic Life.
  2. Requests for ACCESS students to take courses through the CIC-OCSC should be made by the student’s advisor to the Assistant Dean for Adult and Continuing Education.
  3. CIC-OCSC courses appear on the student’s transcript as DeSales courses and contribute to the student’s grade point average, unlike transfer courses.
  4. Traditional day students taking CIC-OCSC courses under their fall and spring tuition plan will be charged as they would be for a DeSales-taught course.
  5. Traditional day students taking CIC-OCSC courses in the summer or winter, not as part of their fall or spring tuition plan, will be charged the ACCESS per-credit rate.
  6. ACCESS students taking CIC-OCSC courses will be charged the ACCESS per-credit rate.
  7. Students taking CIC-OCSC courses are required to abide by the academic procedures and regulations of the institution teaching the course.
  8. To avoid possible financial penalties, students should be attentive to the drop date and drop procedures listed in the letter received from the consortium manager, Acadeum, as they may be different than for courses directly offered by DeSales.